Complimentary Archived Video Will Execution, Holograph Wills and Evaluating Capacity April 01, 2020 With the current necessity for social distancing and self-isolation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, estates lawyers are experiencing a myriad of unique and unprecedented questions arising from the inability to physically meet with clients.
Complimentary Archived Video New Decade: New Taxes? Update on U.S. Tax Law for Canadian Trusts and Estates Lawyers March 24, 2020 What does a new decade bring for advising your clients on U.S. tax law? Join our faculty to update yourself on cross-border tax issues involving residency implications, acquiring and holding foreign property, and limiting U.S. estate tax.
Complimentary Archived Video “Kissing Cousins Reunited”: Focus on Family Law Issues in Estates Planning January 21, 2020 When your next estate planning file involves family law considerations, you will need to know how these two areas of law interact.
Complimentary Archived Video The Affidavit: Rules of Evidence, Effective Drafting and Views From the Bench December 12, 2019 Many estate matters proceed by way of application. As part of the application, the affidavit can serve as a tool for advancing your client’s interests or theory of the case – if you know how to properly frame and draft one.
Complimentary Archived Video Dinner With Senior Estate Planners November 11, 2019 Join your colleagues for an evening of dinner, networking and discussion as senior practitioners share their insights on current issues and best practices in the estate planning world.
Complimentary Archived Video Maximizing the Expert Witness in Estate Litigation October 08, 2019 The right expert can help you win your client’s case before and at trial.
Complimentary Archived Video Effective Estate Planning for Persons With Disabilities September 24, 2019 Estate planning for people with disabilities raises special considerations. Are you familiar with the planning techniques necessary to safeguard your client’s interests?
Complimentary Archived Video Critical Cross-Border Considerations for U.S.-Canada Estate Planning May 21, 2019 With many Canadians holding property in the U.S., or spending time as snowbirds in warm U.S. states, it is critical for Canadian lawyers to be up to speed on key cross-border issues that may impact your clients' estate plans.
Complimentary Archived Video Dinner with your Honourable Estates List Judges April 30, 2019 Join us for a unique opportunity to hear from your Superior Court of Justice judges in a less formal setting than the courtroom.
Complimentary Archived Video Identifying Tax Issues in Estates and Trusts Mediation April 23, 2019 Heading into an estates and/or trusts mediation? Don’t forget about the tax! Estates and trusts cases can have significant income tax consequences for all parties involved.