Complimentary Archived Video Fireside Chat with Your Honourable Ottawa Estates Judges 25 février 2021 Do not miss this unique opportunity to hear from members of the Ottawa judiciary in a less formal setting than the courtroom (virtual or in person).
Complimentary Archived Video Key Intersection Points of Pensions and Benefits Law with Family and Trusts and Estates Law 23 février 2021 Join us for a unique examination of the key issues that arise when pensions and benefits law intersects with both family law and trusts and estates law.
Complimentary Archived Video A Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners 14 janvier 2021 Join your colleagues for this valuable discussion as experienced practitioners share their insights on current issues and best practices in the estate planning world.
Complimentary Archived Video Mastering Minutes of Settlement 15 octobre 2020 Gather the tools you need to ensure that your clients’ interests are properly protected as you paper the settlement.
Nouveaux développements Financial Planning Tips for Lawyers 31 août 2020 In a year that will go down as one of the most unpredictable years many of us have experienced, Financial Planning Month – October – is a good time to review your plan and take some practical steps to ensure you are well prepared for 2021.
Complimentary Archived Video Navigating the Complexities of Non-Professional Caregivers and Attorneys 11 mai 2020 Attorneys for property and personal care often find themselves in the role of non-professional caregiver for incapacitated individuals.
Complimentary Archived Video Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available 07 mai 2020 Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.
Complimentary Archived Video Practical Advice and Precedents for Executing Wills and Powers of Attorney in Counterpart 04 mai 2020 On April 22, the emergency order permitting virtual witnessing of wills and powers of attorney was amended to permit signing in counterparts.
Complimentary Archived Video Mastering Appeals in Estate, Trust, Power of Attorney and Guardianship Cases – Practice and Procedure 28 avril 2020 Appeals in estate, trust, power of attorney and guardianship cases may be rare, but you still need to know how to navigate them.
Complimentary Archived Video Best Practices for Virtual Witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney 17 avril 2020 On April 7, an Order was made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act permitting virtual witnessing for wills and powers of attorney.