When Worlds Collide: The Interdisciplinary World of Estates Practice

  • 06 février 2014


Publication | Archived Video


The interdisciplinary nature of wills and estates is an appealing aspect of the practice - to draft a will you have to understand the law, to administer an estate you must know the fundamentals of creditor rights, and to navigate estate litigation, familiarity with real estate, limitations, intellectual property, civil procedure and bankruptcy is a must. Extend your knowledge of the essentials in those legal disciplines orbiting around the periphery of the estates world. Gain practical strategies for managing the intersection between your wills and estate practice and the areas of real estate, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property and civil litigation.


Jane Martin, Dickson, MacGregor Appell LLP
John O'Sullivan, John O'Sullivan Law


Real Estates and Trusts: Managing Real Estate Assets In Your Trusts And Estates Practice
Vincent De Angelis, De Angelis Law Professional Corporation

Tax Implication of Real Estate Dispositions
Lori Duffy, WeirFoulds LLP

Navigating Bankruptcy and Insolvent Estates
Robert Klotz, Klotz Associates

Unjust Enrichment - Limitation Periods: 0, 2, or 10?
McConnell v. Huxtable
Bryan Smith, Lerners LLP

Contesting a Claim Against an Estate: Notices Of Contestation
Paul Trudelle, Hull & Hull LLP

Out of Time: Limitation Periods in Trusts and Estates Law
Edwin Upenieks, Lawrence, Lawrence, Stevenson LLP

Copyright in Estate Planning & Administration: Just Another Asset?
Darren Lund, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Dealing with Digital Assets in Will Drafting and Estate Administration
David Debenham, McMillan LLP (Ottawa)