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Court orders and settlements in estate litigation can have unplanned tax consequences that may have a significant negative impact on the result you achieve for your client. Find out how to identify the potential pitfalls and gain a complete understanding of the tax implications of the settlements you reach and orders you seek. Improve your ability to help your clients accomplish their goals and avoid unnecessary tax costs.
Clare E. Burns, WeirFoulds LLP
James Murdoch, Thorsteinssons LLP
Making Sense of Tax Consequences Related to Particular Assets When Settling Your Case
Erica Baron, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Marie-Eve Gosselin, Thorsteinssons LLP
Potential Tax Problems and Opportunities in Will Challenges
Caroline Abela, WeirFoulds LLP
Ryan Morris, WeirFoulds LLP
Key Strategies for Settling Dependant's Relief Claims in a Tax Efficient Manner
Debra Stephens, Goddard Gamage Stephens LLP
Brian Wilson, Wilson Vukelich LLP
Effectively Utilizing the Doctrine of Rectification
Matthew Williams, Thorsteinssons LLP