

Case Summary: Lochan v. Binance Holdings Limited, 2024 ONSC 2302

  • 13 juin 2024
  • Jessica Marshall

This article summarizes Lochan v. Binance Holdings Limited, 2024 ONSC 2302, in which the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted certification of the first Canadian class action against a cryptocurrency platform for the illegal trading and distribution of securities.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum
illustration of barbara findlay wearing court robe with pride-flag cape standing beside an open law book

The “Lesbian Lawyer”: barbara findlay, K.C.

  • 12 juin 2024
  • Tamara J. Sylvester (one/they/them)

The courtroom is not where one expects to encounter a superhero. Lawyers, even the great ones, have yet to inspire such a characterization, in fiction or in fact. Until now! barbara findlay KC has earned the right to be revered as such. After all, a superhero, simply put, is a human being who uses their unique abilities to make the world a more just and humane place. barbara wields her pride in her lesbian identity as a superpower to achieve equal rights and justice for the 2SLGBTQ Community.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum

Yatar and the Problem of Concurrent Proceedings

  • 10 juin 2024
  • Ted Brook

The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Yatar v. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex in March of this year and the Ontario Divisional Court has already begun grappling with the procedural fallout. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court rejected the Divisional Court’s approach to streamlining the concurrent applications for judicial review and statutory appeals that frequently appear on its docket.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum

Canada’s Plan to Combat Environmental Racism

  • 10 juin 2024
  • Aditi Kara

Bill C-226 was first introduced in November 2021 in the House of Commons based on the findings and recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council and other non-partisan publications. It is now due for its third reading in the Senate. It aims to develop a national strategy to advance environmental justice.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum

Energy Regulatory Update (Q1, 2024)

  • 07 juin 2024
  • Mark Rubenstein, Shepherd Rubenstein.

Welcome to the latest edition of the Shepherd Rubenstein Energy Regulatory Update, a quarterly round-up of the important developments in the Ontario energy sector. Below are some of the key regulatory happenings between January and March.

Richesses naturelles et énergie, Student Forum

Ontario Privacy Commissioner Outlines Privacy-protective Steps for Use of AI and Engagement of AI Vendors

  • 07 juin 2024
  • Jaime Cardy, Dentons Canada LLP

Canadian organizations implementing artificial intelligence products to process personal information are currently working in a vacuum, with no definitive standards or frameworks to guide them. However, a recent report by Ontario's IPC provided recommendations for ensuring the privacy-protective adoption of such technologies.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

LAT Rules & Practice Direction

  • 04 juin 2024
  • Sandeep Johal, Acting Associate Chair, Licence Appeal Tribunal

Information about two developments at the LAT pertaining to a Preliminary Issue Hearings Practice Direction for AABS matters and the updating of Rule 13 of the Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules, 2023.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum