

The Court of Appeal Reaffirms the Importance of a Physician’s Duty to Obtain Informed Consent: Denman v. Radovanovic 2024 ONCA 276

  • 23 juillet 2024
  • Caroline Swiderski

It is expected that prior to any elective treatment, a physician owes a duty to the patient to provide adequate disclosure of risks. This duty has been expanded over the years to include all advising doctors, even if they are not involved in the treatment directly. It has also been expanded to include “disclosing the nature of the proposed treatment and any material, special, or unusual risks of the treatment." The Ontario Court of Appeal recently applied these duties of care.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum

Honesty is the Best Policy: Court of Appeal Emphasizes Insured Parties’ Responsibility for Full Disclosure

  • 23 juillet 2024
  • Dimitris Logothetis

It is a trite law of human nature that honesty is the best policy. And it is trite law, as in the actual law, that this is especially true for parties entering insurance agreements. In Davies v. AIG Insurance Company of Canada, 2024 ONCA 509, the Ontario Court of Appeal reversed a decision regarding an insurance coverage determination.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum

2023/24 OBA Trusts and Estate Section Year End Report of the Public Affairs and Policy Committee

  • 11 juillet 2024
  • Angelique Moss and Demetre Vasilounis, OBA Trusts and Estates Law Section co-Public Affairs Liaisons (2023-2024)

The OBA Trusts and Estates Law Section’s Public Affairs and Policy Committee had a busy 2023/2024 term, having an ambitious list of projects on their docket. In this article, Angelique Moss and Demetre Vasilounis (co-Chairs of the committee) highlight some of these projects.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

An Evening with Estate Judges: Practice Tips and a call for Friends of the Court

  • 11 juillet 2024
  • Sydney Osmar, Hull & Hull LLP

The Ontario Bar Association’s annual Evening with Estate Judges event, put on by the OBA’s Trusts and Estates Law section, took place on June 10, 2024. In this article, Sydney Osmar offers some key take aways and discusses The Estate List Amicus Pilot Project.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Court of Appeal Upholds Purchase Money Resulting Trust Decision

  • 11 juillet 2024
  • Diane Vieira, de Vries Litigation LLP

In this article, Diane Vieira discusses the case of Bradshaw v Hougassian. This is a decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal which clarifies the legal requirements for finding a purchase money resulting trust.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions
Golf Day winning team poses with trophy

19th Annual Golf Day and Lunch Program a Great Success

  • 10 juillet 2024
  • OBA Construction Law Section Executive

Last month, the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section hosted its 19th Annual Golf Day & Lunch Program at Eagles Nest Golf Club in Maple, Ontario. The sold-out event was a huge success thanks to our co-chairs, organizers, core sponsors and speakers.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

Challenges and Strategies in Litigating Elder Financial Abuse Cases

  • 08 juillet 2024
  • Sarah Smith, Elm Law Professional Corporation

As the Canadian population continues to age, elder financial abuse remains a growing concern. Financial elder abuse cases may seem clear cut, but they can present numerous challenges that make the road to resolution difficult for litigators. This article summarizes the key challenges that present themselves when lawyers take on elder financial abuse cases and highlights the strategies that they can employ to combat these challenges, even before the case begins.

Elder Law, Student Forum
head-shot photo of author Ashley Landesman

“Oh Sheet!” - The Importance of Detailed Time Sheets in Proving Quantum of Damages

  • 08 juillet 2024
  • Ashley Landesman

In Sjostrom Sheet Metal Ltd. v. Geo A. Kelson Company Limited, 2023 ONSC 4959, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice affirmed several key legal principles, including the importance of carefully drafted pleadings, the validity of oral contracts, the significance of good record-keeping in quantifying damages, adherence to contractual default notice provisions, and the consequences that may flow from ambiguous or incomplete change orders.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum
side-by-side head-shot photos of authors James Little, Nicholas Reynolds and R. Bruce Reynolds

Walsh Construction v. Toronto Transit Commission: Guidance and Questions on Complex Delay and Disruption Claims, Expert Witnesses, and Flow-Through Claims

  • 08 juillet 2024
  • R. Bruce Reynolds, James Little, and Nicholas Reynolds

In response to Walsh Construction v. Toronto Transit Commission et al., 2024 ONSC 2782, the Superior Court has a offered a number of valuable takeaways for the construction industry and construction law practitioners, including counsel and arbitrators, regarding what can be expected in the resolution of a complex construction claim.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

Navigating Franchise Disputes: Key Take-aways from Memphis Blues and 1010805 Alberta Ltd.

  • 04 juillet 2024
  • Melisa Delibasic, lawyer, KMB Law

Recent developments in franchise law are highlighted in two recent and notable cases that provide insights into the complexities of franchise agreements and the legal principles governing them. Together the cases address significant issues such as breach of contract, the application of constructive trusts, the duty of good faith, and the interpretation of franchise agreements, reflecting the evolving nature of franchise law in Canada.

Droit des franchises, Student Forum