Articles 2020


Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (September 17 – 21, 2018)

  • September 24, 2018
  • John Polyzogopoulos

As everyone will have heard by now, the Court of Appeal stayed Justice Belobaba’s decision in Toronto (City) v. Ontario (Attorney General). Other topics this week included notice of termination in the context of a mass termination of employees, municipal liability for non-repair of a highway (two decisions), administrative law in the WSIB context, and causation in the medmal context.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum, Workers' Compensation

The New TOSI Rules: Simplified for Whom?

  • September 20, 2018
  • Hennadiy Kutsenko

The author provides a high-level overview of the new TOSI rules and considers potential problems that might arise, particularly for the owner-manager of a small to medium size business.

Student Forum, Taxation Law
The (Unique) Perils of the Parenting Coordination Process

The (Unique) Perils of the Parenting Coordination Process

  • September 18, 2018
  • Elizabeth Hyde, B. Ed., J.D., LL.M., Acc. FM., FDRP PC

Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process for high conflict parents with a history on ongoing child-related disputes. As the Parenting Coordination process becomes more popular with lawyers, judges and clients, it is incumbent on those who practice in the area to ensure that it is a successful process for high conflict families following separation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (September 10 – 14, 2018)

  • September 18, 2018
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Topics include trespass by an owner’s invitees over land that was subject to a right of way granted by the owner to the plaintiff, stay pending appeal in the context of the ongoing administration of the residential schools settlement, appealing a judgment for breach of a commercial lease on the basis of fresh evidence, mental distress damages for negligence claims, jurisdiction and attornment in a custody dispute, and abuse of process in the context of requesting a reconsideration of an appeal.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

How to Find Your Fit

  • September 14, 2018
  • Alison Southern

Whether you’re in the midst of your job search, or you have been feeling unfulfilled in your current role, here are some tips for helping you find your perfect career fit.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division