Articles 2023


Certification: First Step to Access to Justice for Immigration Detainees

  • September 20, 2024
  • Eris Ritcey

On July 7, 2024, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Richard v. The Attorney General of Canada, 2024 ONSC 3800 certified a class proceeding on behalf of all persons who were detained for immigration purposes in a provincial or territorial correctional facility since May 16, 2016, including a subclass of individuals with a mental health condition. The claim asserts causes of action for Charter breaches and in negligence.

Class Actions, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum

The Duty to Investigate Workplace Harassment Exists, Even in the Absence of a Complaint

  • September 20, 2024
  • Inna Koldorf

Recently, the Ontario Divisional Court confirmed that incidents of harassment have to be investigated even in circumstances where there was no complaint, the harassing conduct was undertaken after working hours and away from the workplace, and the victim of the conduct did not wish to file a complaint.

Labour and Employment Law, Student Forum

Prepare for AI Regulation Ahead When Advising Employer Clients

  • September 20, 2024
  • Maciej Lipinski

While many employers are already considering, or are in the process of, taking steps to address the growing adoption and use of generative AI among their employees, important legal regulatory frameworks are also in development at both the Provincial and Federal levels. For lawyers advising employer clients grappling with generative AI in the workplace, it is increasingly important to keep an eye on the regulatory developments ahead.

Labour and Employment Law, Student Forum

Punish My Competitor: The Common Issues Trial in Metro Taxi

  • September 20, 2024
  • Adil Abdulla

This article assesses Metro Taxi Ltd v City of Ottawa, 2024 ONSC 2725, a common issues trial decision holding a government liable for failing to enforce its laws and prosecute a competitor of the class members.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (September 9- September 13)

  • September 20, 2024
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Please find below our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal of Ontario for the week of September 9, 2024. It was a very busy week.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

Introducing the Totally Not Fake Dictionary of Ontario Employment Law

  • September 20, 2024
  • Mitchell Rose

This article contains excerpts from The Totally Not Fake Dictionary of Ontario Employment Law. In this new, groundbreaking work, the author aims to “tell it like it is." Readers will note that most entries contain multiple definitions drawn from real life. Pick the definition that you prefer depending on who your client is presently, and your deeply held biases.

Student Forum

A new OSC Initiative Provides Lawyers with a Finance or M&A Practice Expanded Opportunities to Invest in Private Ontario Companies

  • September 20, 2024
  • Amanda Ramkissoon, Senior Regulatory Advisor, Ontario Securities Commission

In May, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) announced a set of initiatives it is testing to support early-stage capital raising for Ontario businesses. The initiatives include an extension of Ontario Instrument 45-507 Self-Certified Investor Prospectus Exemption (Interim Class Order), which permits Ontario investors who may not meet the accredited investor financial criteria, but have qualifying education or work experience, to invest in private Ontario businesses.

Business Law, Student Forum

Unlocking $10 Million in Capital Gains Deductions with Employee Ownership Trusts

  • September 11, 2024
  • Sanjay Kutty, Devon Molloy, James Konopka, and Arianne Carew

Business owners can now access significant tax benefits when selling a qualifying business to an employee ownership trust pursuant to a transaction that constitutes a qualifying business transfer. Among other benefits, eligible vendors are entitled to receive a shared pool of up to $10 million in capital gains deductions. This article will provide an overview of the eligibility requirements and an outline of the various benefits of EOT Transactions.

Business Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law

Income Calculation Considerations in a Marital Breakdown

  • September 11, 2024
  • Nick Rotundo, CPA, CA, CBV

One of the most vexing issues in family law is determining what is a person's income for the purposes of paying support. This article provides an overview of some of the most common concepts related to calculating income for support purposes.

Family Law, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (September 2 – September 6)

  • September 11, 2024
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of September 2, 2024. There were only three substantive civil decisions released this week.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum