Complimentary Archived Video 2020 Employment Caselaw Update 09 décembre 2020 2020 has truly been a memorable year. This includes in the area of employment law where a number of decisions have been released by the Supreme Court of Canada and Ontario Courts that will have a lasting impact on employment litigation and employment agreements.
Nouveaux développements Financial Planning Tips for Lawyers 31 août 2020 In a year that will go down as one of the most unpredictable years many of us have experienced, Financial Planning Month – October – is a good time to review your plan and take some practical steps to ensure you are well prepared for 2021.
Complimentary Archived Video ADR Clauses and Employment Contracts: Impact of Uber v. Heller 27 août 2020 What does the Supreme Court’s recent decision of Uber Technologies Inc. v. Heller mean for your employment practice?
Complimentary Archived Video End of the Declared Emergency – What it Means for Employers and Employees 27 août 2020 On July 24, 2020, the declared emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act was terminated.
Complimentary Archived Video Mastering the Simplified Employment Law Trial 08 juin 2020 The Revised Rule 76, coming into force on January 1, 2020, brings significant changes to how simplified trials will run.
Complimentary Archived Video How the New Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Impacts Employers and Employees 04 juin 2020 This regulation has significant implications for employers and employees in Ontario but it is a lot to piece together.
Complimentary Archived Video Strategic Advice for Navigating Simplified Procedure in Employment Files under the Revised Rules 28 mai 2020 Following amendments coming into force on January 1, 2020, a much higher percentage of employment matters will fall within simplified procedure jurisdiction.
Complimentary Archived Video Workplace Reopening and Returning Employees - Employment Standards Considerations 15 mai 2020 As businesses contemplate reopening and employees returning to their workplaces, there are a number of questions confronting employers and employees.
Complimentary Archived Video Workplace Reopening and Returning Employees: Health and Safety Considerations 08 mai 2020 As businesses contemplate reopening and employees returning to their workplaces, there are a number of questions confronting employers and employees.
Complimentary Archived Video Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available 07 mai 2020 Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.