Hot Topics and Critical Developments in Employment Law

  • 10 juin 2014


Publication | Archived Video


What are the latest hot topics in employment law? Purchase this key publication to get up-to-date on new developments in the field. When can an employer conduct drug and alcohol testing? Where is the line between an employee's right to privacy and an employer's right to monitor business technologies? Have we entered a new era for damage awards in Canada? What are an employee's obligations to mitigate his/her damages, and self-accommodate for family obligations?


Robert Atkinson, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP
Inna Koldorf, Koldorf Stam LLP


Irving Oil One Year Later: Drug and Alcohol Testing in Canada
Peter J. Thorup and Brian P. Macdonald, Filion Wakely Thorup Aneletti LLP

The Scope and Limitations of the Duty to Mitigate
Robert J. Atkinson, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP

What's New in Aggravated and Punitive Damages?
Lorraine J. Por, Harrison Pensa LLP

Johnstone, Seeley: The Federal Court of Appeal provides clarity on "family status" discrimination claims
J. Craig Morrison, Morrison Watts

Post-Johnstone: What's Next in Ontario?
Elizabeth M. Traynor, Siskinds LLP

Balancing Employer and Employee Rights in Social Media and Computer Surveillance
John H. McNair and Priya Vittal, McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP