Effectively Navigating Injuries and Disabilities in the Workplace (Part 1)

  • 06 février 2014


Publication | Archived Video


Dealing with injuries and disabilities in the workplace gives rise to a myriad of confusing legal issues. Unravel the complexities at this helpful publication. Our expert faculty will update you on emerging trends in Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ("WSIB") claims and proceedings. You will also gain a comprehensive understanding of the obligations, duties and rights of both the employer and employee. Acquire practical advice and expert strategies on how to effectively navigate the reintegration of an injured employee back into the workplace and learn the principles that govern the intersection of employment and disability benefit claims and entitlements, including in the context of WSIB, health, long-term and short-term disability benefits.


Karen E. Jacques, Jacques Law (Kincardine)
William LeMay, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP


Mental Health in the Workplace: Traumatic Mental Stress Claims, Psychotraumatic Injury Claims and the New Standard on Psychological Health in the Workplace
Madeleine Loewenberg and Lisa Fraites, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

Making Sense of Traumatic Mental Stress and Psychotraumatic Injury Claims: A Worker Side Perspective
John Bartolomeo, Toronto Workers' Health & Safety Legal Clinic

Identifying Suitable Return-to-Work (RTW) Responsibilities
Karen E. Jacques, Jacques Law (Kincardine)

Responsibilities of the Workplace Parties
Teresa Verbeek, Office of the Worker Adviser

How to Effectively Utilize Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)
Christie Harper, Office of the Worker Adviser

Effective Utilization of Independent Medical Examinations ("IME")
Michelle A. Alton, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP

The Duty to Re-Employ and the Duty to Cooperate
Christine E. Davies, Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP
Miriam Wallbridge, Student-at-Law, Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP

Managing the Duty to Re-Employ and the Duty to Co-Operate
Jim Dimovski, Dimovski Law