Effectively Navigating Injuries and Disabilities in the Workplace - Part II

  • 06 février 2014


Publication | Archived Video


Dealing with injuries and disabilities in the workplace gives rise to a myriad of confusing legal issues. Unravel the complexities at this helpful program. Our expert faculty will update you on emerging trends in Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (“WSIB”) claims and proceedings. You will also gain a comprehensive understanding of the obligations, duties and rights of both the employer and employee. Acquire practical advice and expert strategies on how to effectively navigate the reintegration of an injured employee back into the workplace and learn the principles that govern the intersection of employment and disability benefit claims and entitlements, including in the context of WSIB, health, long-term and short-term disability benefits.


Ranjan Agarwal, Bennett Jones LLP
Hugh Scher, Scher Law Professional Corporation


What are the limits on the duty to accommodate
Andrea Wobick, Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP
Adam Webb, Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP

How to Accommodate Mental Health Issues in the Workplace
Michelle MacGillivray, Bennett Jones LLP

2013 Case Law Developments, Essential Updates On the Duty to Accommodate
Kim Bernhardt, Grant & Bernhardt

Disability Benefits and the Duty to Accommodate-An Overview
William LeMay, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP
Amanda Lawrence, Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP

Navigating the difficult terrain of employment and disability claims
Hugh Scher, Scher Law Professional Corporation
Caroline Schulz, Scher Law Professional Corporation

Untangling the Intersection of Disability and Employment
Offsets against Damages and Disability Benefits with Respect to Current and Terminated Disabled Employees

Arleen Huggins, Koskie Minsky LLP
Danielle Gauer, Koskie Minsky LLP

What Benefits are Available to Employees who have been victims of a Motor Vehicle Accident?
Steve Rastin, Rastin & Associates (Barrie)

Remedies And Damages Primer
Practical Tips

Geri Sanson, Sanson Law Office Professional Corporation

Remedies and Damages Available in Long Term
Disability Litigation

Andrew Wray, Pinto Wray James LLP
Niiti Simmonds, Pinto Wray James LLP

Remedies and Damages Primer: Case Update & Best Practice
Tips for Employers

Aida Abraha, Law Office of Aida P. Abraha