Articles 2020


Confronting Ageism in the Workplace

  • March 26, 2020
  • Fiona Martyn, Samfiru Tumarkin LLP

As baby boomers enter the final stage of their working lives, ageism in the workplace has become increasingly pervasive. Significant demographic and legislative changes have resulted in an overall increase in age discrimination cases.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Update

  • January 20, 2020
  • Alexandra Manthorpe, O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP

Medical Assistance in Dying (“MAID”), (formerly called physician- or doctor-assisted suicide), is a topic that has captivated the Canadian public since Sue Rodriguez and her brave, emotional challenge all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada in the early 1990s. A look at the current state of the law and what the future holds.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Starting Over at 55: What's the Cost?

  • December 02, 2019
  • Sarah Engel and Brigitte Barsalou, Bales Beall LLP

A look at "grey divorces" and the unique set of challenges they present

Elder Law, Student Forum

Predatory Marriages: Consideration of Equitable and Other Remedies

  • June 24, 2019
  • Kimberly Whaley and Sareh Ebrahimi

Since contesting the validity of a marriage on the ground of incapacity is an imperfect approach, there is a need to explore other potentially available rights and remedies to react to what is actually happening in today’s society. This article considers other grounds upon which a court has the jurisdiction to set aside a predatory marriage as a nullity and also to remedy the wrongs caused by a predator spouse.

Elder Law, Student Forum

An Overview on Elder Abuse and How to Detect It

  • June 24, 2019
  • Kimberly Whaley and Sareh Ebrahimi

Elder abuse can take many forms, including financial, physical, psychological (mental or emotional) and sexual abuse to name a few. Neglect can also be a form of abuse.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Working with Older Clients: Tips for New Lawyers

  • June 20, 2019
  • Alexandra Manthorpe

Coming out of law school, it’s not uncommon to have clients who are a generation or two older than oneself. Alexandra Manthorpe offers tips for working with older clients that she has learned in her few years of being a lawyer.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Section 3 Counsel and the Rebuttable Presumption of Capacity to Instruct

  • March 13, 2019
  • Daniel Paperny

The concept and role of section 3 counsel is inherently tricky, because counsel is, on one hand, tasked to represent individuals whose capacity is in issue, yet the lawyer is still bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct and Rules of Civil Procedure and duty-bound not to take or act on instruction if the client is found to lack the capacity to instruct.

Elder Law, Student Forum