
The ethics of franchise law

  • April 29, 2013

At the April 3 dinner meeting of the Ontario Bar Association Franchise Law Section, the topic of ethical issues for franchise lawyers was addressed. This was Round 2 of a thought-provoking ...

Celebrating Ontario's Legal Stars: OBA Awards Gala

  • April 25, 2013

On Thursday, April 25, members of the bar and judiciary congregated in Toronto to recognize members of the profession who have made an outstanding contribution to the practice of law in Ontario and to the Ontario Bar Association.

Image makeover focuses on why lawyers chose the career

  • March 08, 2013

The province’s bar association has launched an image makeover campaign to leverage the generally strong positive sentiments people feel about their own lawyers, which far outstrips the stereotypical view of legal professionals.

Changes to jury selection ‘long overdue’

  • March 04, 2013

“The problem with the jury system right now is that it lacks credibility with minority communities, with black communities, with aboriginal communities, and with lots of ethnic communities in Canada,” says David McRobert, who is a member of the Ontario Bar Association’s...