Articles 2023


Travel Tips for You and Your Clients

  • October 27, 2015
  • Michele R.J. Allinotte

Michele Allinotte of Allinotte Law Office Professional Corporation in Cornwall, Ontario provides some tips that she uses to be prepared before and during her travels should an emergency or legal issue arise. She has provided the same information to many of her clients before their travels and has found this information is particularly valuable.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

The Courtesy of a Reply is Requested

  • October 23, 2015
  • Michele R.J. Allinotte

Michele Allinotte of Allinotte Law Office Professional Corporation in Cornwall, Ontario reflects on how to deal with a lack of reply from another party and also what a lawyer's obligations are in terms of replying to communications.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

Top Tips for New Family Law Lawyers

  • October 23, 2015
  • Steven M. Bookman

Steven M. Bookman M.A. LL.B. Ph.D. is one of Canada’s most experienced family and estate law lawyers currently working in Toronto, Ontario. He has compiled a list of his tip tips for new family law lawyers.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice
Do-It-Yourself Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers

Do-It-Yourself Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers

  • February 10, 2015
  • Michele R.J. Allinotte

Michele R.J. Allinotte discusses firm logos, social networking, blogging, SEO and traditional strategies as elements to a solo and small firm marketing plan on a small budget.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice
Dangers of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts

Dangers of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts

  • February 10, 2015
  • Stuart E. Rudner

Stuart E. Rudner of Rudner MacDonald LLP discusses the pitfalls of fix term employment contracts. Specifically, without a termination clause, employers ending a contract early will be on the hook for the balance of the term.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice

It is Time to Raise the Privacy and Security Bar

  • February 10, 2015
  • Bob Seeman

This article will help smaller firm lawyers better understand data security issues and also provides some questions to ask of technology providers that offer solutions to our profession.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice