Articles 2021

Shelley Birenbaum,

Q&A with Shelley Birenbaum, OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law Recipient

  • 24 mai 2020

Shelley Birenbaum, Shelley R. Birenbaum Professional Corporation, is being honoured this year with the OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the area of health law in Ontario. Gain a glimpse of what motivates her and how she is making a difference in her area of practice in this candid Q&A.

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Rozmin Mediratta, Wise Health Law

Delivering Virtual Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 27 mars 2020
  • Rozmin Mediratta, Wise Health Law

Technology has played an integral role in the delivery of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has helped maximize healthcare professionals' ability to provide necessary care to patients while minimizing the spread and exposure to the virus.

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Nida Sohani

15 Questions in 15 Minutes with Kathy O'Brien

  • 11 mars 2020
  • Nida Sohani

We sat down with a leading corporate health lawyer, and one of the founding partners of Dykeman O'Brien Health Law, Kathy O'Brien, to pick her brain about her legal journey and her advice to young health lawyers!

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Multi-Parent Families: Considerations for Health Care Providers

  • 06 janvier 2020
  • Clancy Catelin, Rosen Sunshine LLP

Awareness and recognition of multi-parent families is growing, and in 2016 Canada took steps to recognize multi-parent families by enacting the All Families Are Equal Act ("EFCA"). The formal recognition of multi-parent families introduces with it various challenges and considerations for health care providers.

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15 Questions in 5 Minutes: Cathi Mietkiewicz of Mietkiewicz Law, interviewed by Esther Nwator

15 Questions in 5 Minutes: Cathi Mietkiewicz of Mietkiewicz Law, interviewed by Esther Nwator

  • 24 juin 2019
  • Esther Nwator, OBA Health Law Section newsletter editor

Cathi Mietkiewicz of Mietkiewicz Law sits down with Esther Nwator, OBA Health Law Section newsletter editor 2018-2019, and discusses her first career, who inspired her and got her through law school, her eclectic and varied health law practice and the things that make her happy.

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Top Five Legal Tips for the Health and Wellness Industry

  • 30 avril 2019
  • Christine Laviolette, senior associate, and Lydia Wakulowsky, partner, Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG) LLP

Lawsuits involving the health and wellness industry happen, though they are not often the subject of reported decisions in Canada. It is crucial for regulated health professionals, non-regulated consultants, spa and medi-spa owners and operators in the industry to be wary of potential risks, which may leave them vulnerable to liability and negative publicity. This article examines five of Christine Laviolette and Lydia Wakulowsky's top risk management tips based on their experience in this area.

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The Court of Appeal Clarifies the Scope of Participating Expert Evidence

  • 24 avril 2019
  • Ashley Goren-Gibson, B.A., J.D., LLM.

This article is an analysis of the Court of Appeal decision in Imeson v. Maryvale (Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services), 2018 ONCA 888 (“Imeson”). In Imeson, the Court of Appeal emphasized the importance of the judicial gatekeeping role for expert witnesses and clarified the boundaries of proffering “participant expert” evidence at trial.

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