

Complimentary Archived Video

Fireside Chat with the Honourable Ranjan K. Agarwal

  • May 16, 2024

Join the OBA Class Actions Section for a special evening with the Honourable Ranjan K. Agarwal as he reflects on lessons learned in his career in class actions law and shares helpful advice from the bench, including effective litigation techniques for class actions matters and the critical role of mentorship and diversity in the profession.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Employment Law Class Actions

  • February 16, 2024

The employment landscape is changing in a post-pandemic world, and workers and managers alike are navigating their new rights and responsibilities.

Class Actions, Labour and Employment Law, Student Forum


Personal Security Handbook Minimizing Risks to Personal Safety for You, Your Family, Friends and Colleagues

  • May 16, 2023

The potential danger associated with the life of those in the legal profession is an unpleasant topic of conversation among family, friends and staff, but avoiding the subject does not lessen the potential for harm.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Complimentary Archived Video

Current Issues in Securities Class Actions

  • May 10, 2023

Class actions brought under the Securities Act are constantly evolving. As the jurisprudence in securities class actions matures, new areas have become the battlegrounds.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Mass Tort Litigation in Canada

  • April 04, 2023

This model involves a series of individual claims arising out of the same or similar acts and is often seen where harm is allegedly caused by medical devices, prescription drugs, or defective consumer products.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Navigating Distribution Challenges in Class Actions Awards and Settlements

  • December 12, 2022

Distribution issues can be vexing for class counsel. Following amendments to the Class Proceedings Act, the Court may now hold back a portion of class counsel’s fees and disbursements until it is satisfied with the distribution of the monetary award or the settlement funds.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Remedies in Class Actions: Aggregate Damages

  • April 28, 2022

The case law on aggregate damages is complex and evolving. Ensure you are up to speed on the latest developments with this valuable program.

Class Actions, Student Forum