Articles 2024


Proposed Changes Impacting Charitable Giving

  • November 17, 2014
  • Areet Kaila

The government recently tabled a detailed Notice of Ways and Means Motion to implement a number of changes announced in Budget 2014. One of these changes will provide more options with respect to how donation tax credits can be used by the deceased or the deceased’s estate, and will provide greater flexibility for charitable gift planning in the future.

Charity and Not-For-Profit Law
<em>Digital Privacy Act</em> Proposes Amendments to PIPEDA

Digital Privacy Act Proposes Amendments to PIPEDA

  • July 14, 2014
  • Terrance S. Carter and Sepal Bonni

This article provides the highlights of Bill S-4 - the Digital Privacy Act and examines the consequences to, inter alia, non-profits and charities if the Bill is passed in its current form.

Charity and Not-For-Profit Law

Crowdfunding and the Third Sector

  • July 14, 2014
  • Sophia Dunkley

This article examines the benefits and challenges with crowdfunding in the context of charities and non-profits.

Charity and Not-For-Profit Law
Update on CNCA Continuance Process

Update on CNCA Continuance Process

  • March 18, 2014
  • Theresa L.M. Man

This article provides updated guidance on the CNCA continuance process which is required to be completed by the mandated October 17, 2014 deadline.

Charity and Not-For-Profit Law