Québec-Ontario Business Law Summit: Multi-Jurisdictional Transactions

  • 21 mai 2015


Publication | Archived Video


This unique program brings together the leading practitioners in multi-jurisdictional corporate transactions from both Québec and Ontario. An intensive, practical program that will walk you through a multi-jurisdictional commercial transaction and delve into strategies and tools for successfully managing it within the legal and regulatory frameworks of each province. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the range of issues at play- from corporate governance obligations, critical issues at play in a multi-jurisdictional purchase and sale transaction, third party financing, to critical risk management, choice of law and litigation issues- and strategies for ensuring they are effectively flagged and managed.  If you are counsel in either Québec or Ontario, involved in multi-jurisdictional transactions, or expecting to be in the future, this is an invaluable opportunity to expand your network on the other side of the provincial line and to keep abreast of key developments.


Daniel Edmondstone, McMillan LLP
Sylvain Lussier, AdE, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


Successfully Meeting Corporate Governance Obligations
Marie-Geneviève Masson, Langlois Kronström Desjardins (Quebec)
Doug Mitchell, Irving Mitchell Kalichman LLP (Quebec)
Kathleen Skerrett, Gardiner Roberts LLP (Ontario)

Critical Issues in a Bi-jurisdictional Purchase and Sale Transaction
Neil Hazan, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (Quebec)
Geneviève Richard, Belron Canada (Quebec)

Important Factors Impacting Choice of Law and Choice of Forum
Martin J. Valasek, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP (Quebec)
Paul Michell, Lax O'Sullivan Scott Lisus LLP (Ontario)

Third Party Financing
Michel Deschamps, McCarthy Tétrault LLP (Quebec)
Sterling H. Dietze, Stikeman Elliott LLP (Quebec)
Marlin Horst, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP (Ontario)