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A motion for summary judgment is a powerful tool for determining a matter before taking your client through the time and expense of trial. Learn about when and how to successfully pursue or defend such motions. Gain practical strategies from the pros on need-to-know topics such as the state of the law on Rule 20, when to bring a motion for summary judgment, how to structure oral arguments, how to prepare and use effective written materials and how to argue a winning case.
Carole Piovesan, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Michelle Simard, Barrister & Solicitor
Summary Judgment: Combined Air and Beyond
David Sterns and Jennifer Pocock, Sotos LLP
Rules and Case Law Cheat Sheet
Alexi N. Wood and Diana Weir, Davis LLP
Persuasive Written Materials on Summary Judgment Motions
R. Lee Akazaki, C.S., Gilbertson Davis Emerson LLP
Winning Oral Advocacy Tips: Best Practices and Mistakes to Avoid
Thomas Sutton, McCarthy Tetrault LLP
When Is It Appropriate To Bring A Summary Judgment Motion?
The Honourable Mr. Justice Rob Goldstein, Superior Court of Justice