Divine Discoveries: Building A Great Case 2016

  • 22 mars 2016


Publication Only | Archived Video + e-Materials


A good discovery will help you prepare your client for trial and understand your opponent's case. A great discovery will force your opponent into settlement submission, and at the very least, set you up for a less stressful and better organized trial. Get practical tips from the pros on how to be great (if not divine) at this half-day program on key elements such as preparation, e-discovery, credibility, and undertakings. Whether you are a new lawyer preparing for your first discovery, or a seasoned veteran looking to improve your technique, this program is a must.


Geoffrey D. Mowatt, Dimock Stratton LLP
Heather Douglas, Riley + Aikins Trial Lawyers


Examining Discovery: An Overview of the Discovery Process, and the Law
Bryn Gray, McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Preparing Yourself and Your Client for Discovery
Grant Worden, Torys LLP

Affidavits of Documents, Privilege and Confidentiality
Ian C. Matthews, Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP

e-Discovery: The Fundamentals
Molly Reynolds, Torys LLP

Experts, Witness Statements, Surveillance, and Privileged Documents
Patrick Brown, McLeish Orlando LLP

Divine Discoveries
Master Joan Haberman, Superior Court of Justice

Professionalism and Ethical Traps When Dealing With Difficult Situations
Sarit Batner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Adam Ship, McCarthy Tétrault LLP