“Bar None” Networking Notes

  • 03 février 2020
  • Andrea Daly, judicial law clerk at the Government of Canada

While you may be inclined to prioritize sleeping over socializing after a long day at the office, there is a reason that “networking” is so vigorously encouraged. The legal community is close knit and building relationships with your peers will benefit you personally and professionally in the long haul.

“Networking” doesn’t mean you have to be the loudest, most energetic person in the room; it’s not about collecting a gold star from each person you talk to. A wise (wo)man once said, “be yourself,” and the old adage applies. Being authentic and approachable in person will create a (good) lasting impression that your social media presence can’t.

If I have yet to convince you to swap Netflix for networking, here are five quick tips for making the most of your networking experience: