Editor's Note October 02, 2018 Rachel Sachs, Sachs Law Professional Corporation A note from the Newsletter Editor to section members.
NCA Students! Exotic creatures from foreign legal jurisdictions only need one rare species of employer: the extraordinary one! October 02, 2018 Victoria Boucovala Why is it so difficult for NCA students to get a leg up in the legal profession? Read on for more.
Welcome from the Chair October 02, 2018 Bianca Thomas, Legal Counsel, BMO Financial Group, and Chair of the Women Lawyer's Forum The 2018-2019 Chair, Bianca Thomas, welcomes the section and introduces plans for the coming year.
A (Feminist) Review of Breakdown: The Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie October 01, 2018 Erin Cowling, Flex Legal Network & OBA WLF Secretary, A feminist book review on Norm Bacal's Breakdown: The Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie.
Networking Options for Introverts: Shapr October 01, 2018 Rachel Sachs, Lawyer & OBA WLF Newsletter Editor How Shapr can help you reduce the stress and potential awkwardness associated with networking.
The Disconcerting Reinstatement of Robin Camp June 05, 2018 Diane Baker Mason Diane Baker Mason offers her opinion on why the Law Society of Alberta's recent decision to reinstate former judge Robin Camp is a troubling one.
Meet Your WLF Executive - Outgoing Chair, Ashley Waye June 01, 2018 #OBA_WLF Executive Ashley Waye is the 2017-2018 Chair of the Women Lawyers Forum Section Executive. Ashley has led this year's executive with good judgment, collaboration, openness, and passion. Read on to learn more about this experienced family lawyer and litigator.
Meet Your WLF Executive - Part 3 June 01, 2018 #OBA_WLF Executive Get to know Anna Wong in this third installment of "Meet Your WLF Executive".
Book Review: Full Disclosure by Beverley McLachlin June 01, 2018 Erin C. Cowling A review of the debut mystery novel - set in Vancouver - from former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Beverley McLachlin.