OBA Women Lawyers Forum Favourite Feminist Films for International Women’s Day 2020

  • 24 février 2020
  • Bianca E. Thomas, Past Chair

Thank you to the following WLF executive members for contributing: Richa Sandill, Rachel Sachs, Nandi Deterville, Michelle Seto, Julie Chapman, Amrita Singh, Anna Wong, Forough Ghorbani, Gabriela Ramo, Pia Hundal, and Nabila Khan. 

  1. Little Women (1994 version)
  2. Legally Blonde
  3. On the Basis of Sex 
  4. The Joy Luck Club 
  5. Thelma and Louise 
  6. Hidden Figures 
  7. RBG 
  8. Little Women (2019 version) 
  9. Erin Brockovich
  10. The Sound of Music 
  11. Kill Bill
  12. Mad Max: Fury Road
  13. Wonder Woman
  14. Persepolis