November Wellness Tips - Surviving the Fall Semester of Law School

  • 11 novembre 2019
  • Julia Chumak, student member at large

As law students, we know all too well that once October and November are upon us, the school year becomes increasingly difficult – the workload gets heavier and the days get shorter and colder. However, this is also a critical point in the semester that requires focus and positivity. This can only be done by taking proper care of ourselves and being conscious of habits that may be hindering us from feeling and performing our best.

Below I have comprised a list of some of the tips and strategies that I use in order to get through this difficult point in the semester:

  1. Continue to make time for staying active
    • Fatigue usually hits me around the 2 – 3 pm mark of the day. It’s at this time that I try to take a break – go for a walk, go to the gym for an hour, or just get outside for some fresh air.
  2. Hydration, Hydration, Hydration
    • Although coffee may seem like your best friend at this time of the year, it is even more important to ensure that you are staying hydrated in order to keep your brain working optimally.
    • Tip: Try adding a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt to your water – it will help your body absorb more water and in turn you will feel more hydrated and alert.
  3. Finding new foods and snacks
    • As the semester gets busier, it seems as though any time we thought we had for cooking or baking is out the window – hello UberEats! But, choosing to cook or bake one new recipe a week gives me a chance to break-free of the ‘law school’ bubble while cooking up a delicious and healthy snack or meal that will re-energize my body and mind.
    • Remember: There is always time for food!