Articles 2019


Title Insurance Companies Answer Questions

  • 30 octobre 2018
  • Georgea S. Wolfe, Goldman, Sloan, Nash and Haber LLP

Title insurance is a fairly standard aspect of real estate transactions, and particularly so for residential real estate transactions involving mortgages. The author set out to have the major title insurance companies answer some questions about their policies.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum

Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (May 22 - 25)

  • 28 mai 2018
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are summaries of this week’s civil decisions of the Court of Appeal of Ontario, including Yaiguaje v Chevron Corporation, in which it appears that the Court has finally put an end to the matter; and Beatty v Wei, in which the Court set aside the application judge’s interpretation of the Illegal Substances Clause commonly used as an additional term in the Ontario Real Estate Association/Toronto Real Estate Board standard form Agreement of Purchase and Sale.

Litige civil, Droit immobilier, Student Forum


  • 08 avril 2018
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Topics covered this week included franchise law and rescission, liability for wrongful patent enforcement, the duty to defend in the MVA context, family law (custody and access and breach of court orders), securities class actions, and mortgage enforcement. John Polyzogopoulos

Litige civil, Droit de la famille, Droit des franchises et 4 en plus, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Droit des assurances, Droit international, Droit immobilier

New Rules Regarding Evictions for “Landlord’s Own Use” of a Rental Unit

  • 17 janvier 2018
  • Kyle Gossen

One of the few reasons a landlord can evict a tenant under the Residential Tenancies Act is if the unit is required for the landlord’s own use. While the Act previously required a landlord to have a “good faith” basis for requiring possession, it has been amended to place further restrictions on evictions for the “landlord’s own use”.

Droit immobilier

New Land Transfer Tax Disclosures Required Beginning April 24, 2017

  • 19 avril 2017
  • Ian Speers and Jennifer Croswell

The Ministry of Finance on April 13, 2017 announced supplemental reporting requirements ‎pursuant to recent amendments to the Land Transfer Tax Act. Effective April 24, 2017, prescribed information on the purchasers and property being conveyed must be filed through a separate report through Teranet‎ eXpress. This information form is separate from the Land Transfer Tax affidavit that forms part of the electronic or paper registration.

Droit immobilier

Principal Residence Exemptions: New Capital Gains Reporting Requirements

  • 17 février 2017
  • Alan G. Silverstein

Relief from the payment of capital gains tax when a principal residence is sold or gifted (or disposed on death) is no longer automatic. To benefit from the principal residence exemption (and not pay capital gains tax), individuals will have to report the disposition and designation of the principal residence in prescribed form to the CRA for the year of disposition.

Droit immobilier

Why You Should Sign The Landlord's Standard Form Lease

  • 09 avril 2015
  • Murray Box

In this "tongue firmly in cheek" paper addressed to clients, Murray Box of Pallett Valo highlights the dangers of a tenant signing a landlord's standard form of non-residential lease without negotiating, understanding and, sometimes, even reading it. Enjoy!! -- Ray Mikkola --

Droit immobilier
Mortgage Enforcement Hits the Highway

Mortgage Enforcement Hits the Highway

  • 08 avril 2015
  • Chris Jaglowitz

Until now, mortgagees could commence their enforcement lawsuits anywhere in Ontario they pleased, regardless of where the mortgaged property is located. That option is now gone.

Droit immobilier

Adventures of a Newbie Bencher

  • 27 mars 2015
  • Jeffrey Lem

Jeff Lem has written an interesting and entertaining article about his experiences as a neophyte Law Society Bencher, the way in which the Law Society's. in general, and Convocation's. in particular, function is somewhat opaque to most members of the profession. Jeff's article is a "must read" in particular for those of us who from the solicitor side of the bar who have decided to run in the upcoming Bencher election. SO... VOTE!

Droit immobilier

Corporate List of Real Estate Holdings - The Grace Period is Up!

  • Don Perry, Perry Law

The two-year grace period to create an up-to-date register of real property ownership interests is up. As you set your ambitions high to start off 2019 on a great note, this serves as a quick reminder to call your commercial real estate lawyer and confirm that your real property ownership register is up to date.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum