Navigating the Municipal and Planning Law Landscape

  • 07 février 2014


Publication | Archived Video


Developments in municipal and planning law are happening continuously - how can you keep up? During this comprehensive program, we will focus on both planning and municipal law topics, and you will discover critical updates on what you need to know as a practitioner in this area of the law. Our expert faculty of speakers, including the Chair of the Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario and leading municipal lawyers, will share their insights on important topics such as the state of the Ontario Municipal Board, real estate law for planning lawyers, the enforcement of the Municipal Elections Act as well as the essential case law updates.


Denise Baker, WeirFoulds LLP
Chris Barnett, Davis LLP
Raj Kehar, City of Mississauga - Legal Services


Navigating The Municipal Case Law Landscape
John Mascarin, Aird & Berlis LLP

The Law Of Municipal Ward Divisions In Ontario
Quinto Annibale, Loopstra Nixon LLP

Planning Role Of Conservation Authorities
David S. White, Devry Smith Frank LLP

A Tale of Two Cities - Municipal Duty to Consult Before the Courts
Jacqueline P. Wigle, Ministry of the Attorney General, Legal Services Branch - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Paul G. Murray, Counsel, Ministry of the Attorney General, Legal Services Branch - Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Municipal Election Enforcement
Jody E. Johnson and David Reiter, Aird & Berlis LLP

New Developments In Endangered Species Law
Konstantine Stavrakos, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP

Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario: State of the Boards
Lynda Tanaka, Executive Chair, Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario

Injurious Affection Claims where No Land is Taken after Antrim: Charting a New Course?
Pitman Patterson and Ajay Gajaria, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Expropriation And Injurious Affection: Impacts Of Antrim
Frank Sperduti, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Considerations in Municipal Liability for Roads
David Elman, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Open Meeting Requirements
Thomas Barlow, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

Balancing Aggregate Extraction And Community Opposition
Laura Bisset, Davis LLP

Balancing Aggregate Extraction And Community Opposition
Jonathan Kahn, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Real Estate Primer For Municipal Lawyers
Steven Willard, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP

Planning Case Law Update
Chris Barnett, Davis LLP

Land Use Planning and Appeal System, Development Charges Act, 1997, Reviews
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing