Publication | Archived Video
Discover important strategies to help you to properly identify, analyze and apply the applicable law to various common types of personal injury cases, particularly those which involve tort liability, statutory accident benefits, occupiers' liability and disability claims. Receive a comprehensive summary of the fundamental topics that are of key importance to you as a personal injury lawyer, plus what the key "take-aways" are for your practice. You will hear about topics from motor vehicle accidents to slips/trips and falls, and from long-term disability disputes to professional negligence claims. Gain practical tools to guide you successfully from the very inception of a claim, to assessing damages for the purposes of recommending a settlement, to preparing your case for trial.
Adrian Lomaga, Adrian Lomaga Personal Injury Law P.C.
Krista Groen, Samis & Company
Slips, Trips and Falls - A Word from the Defence
Daniel I. Reisler and Mouna B. Hanna, Reisler Franklin LLP
Slips, Trips and Falls: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Occupiers' Liability Claims - Key Components and interpretation of the Occupiers' Liability Act
Ryan A. Murray, Oatley Vigmond Personal Injury Lawyers LLP (Barrie)
Bianca Thomas, Student-at-Law, Oatley Vigmond Personal Injury Lawyers LLP (Barrie)
The MMS: A Slippery Slope
Heikki Cox-Kikkajoon and Darcy Romaine, Boland Howe LLP (Aurora)
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims: Torts and SABS
Renée Vinett, Howie Sacks & Henry LLP
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims: A Defence Lawyer's Primer for Tort and the SABS
Catherine A. Korte and Eric Katzman, McCague Borlack LLP
Making a Case for Total Disability in Ltd Claims
Sandev S. Purewal and Michael V. Maiola, Student-at-Law, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers Professional Corporation
Professional Liability Claims
Kate Cahill, Thomson Rogers
Quantifying Damages in Personal Injury Claims
Alfred M. Kwinter, Singer Kwinter LLP
Peter Heisey, Benson Percival Brown LLP
Motion Record Precedent
Jeffrey Preszler, Preszler Law Firm LLP