Articles 2023


Canada Expands Protection of Individual Rights with New Legislation on Genetic Testing and Privacy

  • 01 juin 2017
  • Nikolas S. Purcell

Significant legislative changes are on the horizon in the field of genetic testing with Parliament’s recent passage of Bill S-201: An Act to Prohibit and Prevent Genetic Discrimination. The Act will implement broad protections relating to an individual’s right to access their genetic information, as well as to prevent an individual from being required to undergo genetic testing and to disclose the results of their genetic tests. This article examines the legislative changes.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Beacon Technology: A Primer for Retailers

  • 31 janvier 2017
  • Roland Hung

Beacon Technology or Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons (collectively, “Beacons”) are becoming a major technological advancement available to Canadian retailers. However, Beacons also pose various legal concerns relating to privacy and data collection. This article discusses how Beacon technology works, and examines some of the legal considerations of which practitioners and business owners should be aware.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Supreme Court of Canada Hears Important Appeal Regarding the “Promise Doctrine"

  • 31 janvier 2017
  • Jean-Charles Grégoire

The Supreme Court of Canada heard oral arguments on November 8, 2016 in an important appeal challenging the “promise of the patent” utility doctrine in Canada. In AstraZeneca Canada Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (Esomeprazole), the Supreme Court was asked to decide on the question of whether the doctrine properly exists in Canada. This article provides a brief summary of the oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Responding to Online Brand Attacks

  • 17 mai 2016
  • John Simpson

John Simpson outlines the options available to companies experiencing an online attack on its brand.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Nortel and the Impact of Defensive Value in Appraising Intellectual Property

  • 17 mai 2016
  • David Ullmann

The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court in Nortel Networks Corporation, Re 2015 ONSC 2987 (“Nortel”), is a useful case study to highlight the complexity associated with the valuation of intellectual property.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Bypassing a Subscription Paywall Violates Technological Protection Measure Provisions in Copyright Act, Negates Fair Dealing Defence

  • 17 mai 2016
  • Lorraine Fleck

An Ontario court recently ruled in 395804 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as Blacklock's Reporter v. Canadian Vintners Association and Dan Paszkowski that circumventing a subscription paywall to access a news article violates the technological protection measure (TPM) provisions in Canada's Copyright Act, and negates the fair dealing defence to copyright infringement available under Canadian law.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Federal Court of Appeal Changes Test on Interlocutory/Discretionary Appeals

  • 05 juin 2015
  • Andrew Skodyn

In the recent decision of Imperial Manufacturing Group Inc. v. Decor Grates Incorporated, 2015 FCA 100, the Federal Court of Appeal used an appeal of a particulars motion in an industrial designs case to eliminate the prior distinction between the standard of review of discretionary or interlocutory orders and all other appeals from the Federal Court.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

European Court of Justice Widens Digital Library Rights

  • 03 mars 2015
  • Roselyn Kelada-Sedra

In September 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled to allow libraries to digitize and distribute books to reading terminals without a digitization licence.

Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle