Get to Know Your Execs in Five Minutes (or less) – Part III

  • 17 janvier 2020

In this ongoing series, we will profile each of the members of the OBA IT/ IP Law Section Executives to learn about them in five minutes or less. It’s five minutes or less because we know that a lot of you docket in six minute increments!


Name: Amrita V. Singh

Position: Public Affairs Liaison

Who is Amrita V. Singh? I’m an intellectual property litigator at Bereskin & Parr LLP in our Toronto office. When I’m not litigating, I’m giving back by working on my firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Federal Court IP Users Committee, as an executive member of the OBA’s Women Lawyers Forum, as an executive member of the CBA Intellectual Property Law section, as an elected member of OBA Council and of Queen’s University Council. I also engage in outreach to high school and university students interested in the law.

Why did you choose IP/IT and what would you tell a young lawyer entering the IT/IP field? I studied science in undergrad, and wanted to continue to use those skills as a lawyer. That made intellectual property a natural fit. I went to law school to become a litigator, and mooted quite a bit while there, so litigation is a natural fit. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get paid to argue?!

My advice to students and young lawyers is to reach out to senior professionals early in your career to better understand what practicing in a particular area entails. Lots of people think they’re interested in a specific area, but realize later that it isn’t all they thought it would be (or that it’s far more than they thought it would be). Our profession and the Intellectual Property Bar are full of wonderful people who are happy to share their experiences over a cup of coffee. They’re a great resource – use them! I’m lucky, I tapped into amazing resources early who have helped (and continue to help) guide me.