Articles 2021


Save the Date! OBA Institute 2016 Health Law Program

  • November 06, 2015
  • Jacinthe Boudreau, Stieber Berlach LLP Erin Dobbelsteyn, Rosen Sunshine LLP

Following a very successful program at the OBA Institute 2015, the Health Law Section will be hosting another program at the upcoming OBA Institute on February 4th, 2016 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please save the date!

Health Law

The Right to Die: An Analysis of Physician Assisted Dying Legislation

  • March 19, 2015
  • Tania Yousaf

This article explores the existing legislation in The Netherlands, Washington state and the proposed Quebec legislation with respect to physician assisted dying in light of the Carter decision and how the federal and provincial governments can look to this legislation for guidance.

Health Law

Program Review: Understanding Recent and Proposed Changes to the Regulated Health Professions Act

  • March 04, 2015
  • Carla Whillier

The following is a review of the OBA Health Law Section's November 26, 2014 Dinner Program. Attendees at the program received information about the recent and proposed changes to the RHPA including: the history around the spousal exemption to the RHPA’s sexual abuse provisions; the recent passage of the regulation allowing spousal treatment for dentistry; and the steps Colleges are taking to attain transparency.

Health Law