Articles 2021


Criminal Inadmissibility: An Analysis in the Context of the Charter

  • July 31, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem

Haider Ashraf, in his paper, "Balancing Security and Rights: Re-evaluating IRPA’s Criminal Inadmissibility Provisions and Charter Compliance” recommends a re-evaluation of IRPA’s inadmissibility provisions to better protect the rights of permanent residents and align Canadian policies with global human rights principles. The author welcomes any comments or conversations from colleagues on the topic.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum

2023-2024 Recap: Achievements and Ongoing Initiatives

  • July 11, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem

As we approach the conclusion of the 2023-2024 OBA Citizenship and Immigration Law Section cycle, your Section Executive is delighted to provide you with updates on our accomplishments and ongoing initiatives. Your active participation and dedication have been instrumental in advancing our collective goals, and we are committed to building on this momentum in the year ahead.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum
photo of Yameena Ansari, seated at office desk

Unlocking Practice Management Essentials: ANSARI IMMIGRATION LAW

  • June 25, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the strategies and insights employed by various immigration law practitioners in making their firms the success stories they are today. In our fifth edition, we had the privilege to interview Ms. Yameena Ansari, a founding partner at Ansari Immigration Law.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum
head-shot photo of Max Chaudhary

Unlocking Practice Management Essentials: Chaudhary Law Office

  • May 09, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the strategies and insights employed by various immigration law practitioners in making their firms the success stories they are today. In our fourth edition, we had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Max Chaudhary, a founding lawyer at Chaudhary Law Office.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum

Feedback from the Early Career Immigration Lawyers Town Hall and Networking Social

  • May 08, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and contributed to the success of this event. Your active participation and thoughtful contributions underscore the strength and vitality of our community. Rest assured, OBA executives are carefully considering the feedback provided and are committed to addressing all of your recommendations.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum
members of the OBA's Citizenship and Immigration Law Section gather for a picture at the Early Immigration Lawyers Town Hall

Insights from the Early Career Immigration Lawyers Town Hall and Networking Social

  • May 02, 2024
  • Angela Ogang & Aqsa Nadeem

On March 20, 2024, members of the CBA Immigration Law Section and the OBA Citizenship and Immigration Law Section convened at the OBA Conference Centre in Toronto for the Early Career Immigration Lawyers Town Hall and Networking Social. The event provided a unique opportunity for new lawyers practicing in immigration law to network with influential members of the bar and promote themselves as an emerging leader in immigration law.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum
headshot photo of Siavash Shekarian

Unlocking Practice Management Essentials: Shekarian Law PC

  • May 02, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the strategies and insights employed by various immigration law practitioners in making their firms the success stories they are today. In our third edition, we had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Siavash Shekarian, a founding attorney at Shekarian Law PC.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum
head-shot photo of lawyer Sajjad A. Malik

Unlocking Practice Management Essentials: SAM LAW

  • April 02, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the strategies and insights employed by various immigration law practitioners in making their firms the success stories they are today. In our second edition, we had the privilege to interview Mr. Sajjad A. Malik, a founding lawyer at SAM Law.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Law Practice Management, Student Forum
Head-shot photo of lawyer Elizabeth Ying

Unlocking Practice Management Essentials: Long Mangalji LLP

  • April 02, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the strategies and insights employed by various immigration law practitioners in making their firms the success stories they are today. In our inaugural edition, we had the privilege to interview Ms. Elizabeth Ying Long, a founding partner at Long Mangalji LLP.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Law Practice Management, Student Forum
head-shot photo of Robin Seligman

Breaking Barriers: Celebrating International Women's Day

  • March 05, 2024
  • Aqsa Nadeem, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

In honour of International Women's Day, we highlight the inspiring journey of Ms. Robin Seligman. From overcoming barriers to advocating for her clients, she shares her experiences and triumphs throughout the year. This article celebrates her resilience, dedication, and contribution to the field of law while shining a spotlight on the importance of supporting and empowering women in legal practice.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum