Get to Know your Executive - Pantea Jafari, Member-At-Large

  • 29 avril 2019

In our continuing efforts to introduce you to your OBA Executive, we wish to introduce you to Pantea Jafari, Member-At-Large. Read on to learn more about Pantea’s practice and her experiences.


I am a first-generation immigrant who understands all too well the struggles of immigrant communities.  From visiting and working in various communities throughout the world, to being a part of them in Canada and elsewhere, I have come to appreciate the trials and tribulations that accompany a decision to immigrate and the process that ensues in efforts to actualize same.  Seeing the realities of such experiences throughout my life is what made the practice of immigration law a natural calling for me: my innate understanding of those experiences not only help me explain the circumstances of our clients better than they could put into words themselves, but also make me a fierce advocate for fair outcomes despite the creative maneuverings that may be required to achieve them.