Capital Raising and Investment in Ontario

  • 02 février 2016


Publication Only | Archived Video + e-Materials


Hear the latest developments on raising capital and corporate investments in Canada. Hear about some of the emergent investment strategies available and the surrounding legal and business issues that you as counsel need to understand. From equity crowdfunding, tax considerations in cross-border investment transactions, to conflicts and recent changes to Investment Canada Act filings, you will gain an in-depth overview of the top issues at play.


Lydia Salvi, Thomson Reuters- Practical Law Canada
Nicholas Dobbek, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP


Capital Raising in the Exempt Market: A Review of Recent Amendments in Ontario
Geoffrey Cher, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP

Common Tax Issues in Cross Border Investment Transactions
Katy Pitch, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Lindsay Gwyer, Stikeman Elliott LLP

30 Years of Investment Canada Act - Past, Present, Future
Nancy Hamzo, Baker & MacKenzie LLP
Yana Ermak, Baker & McKenzie LLP

Conflict Issues When Representing Shareholders and the Corporation
Ryan Gelbart, Minden Gross LLP

Trust Account & Money Laundering
Christine Duhaime, Duhaime Law