OBA’s Administrative Law Section Program: “The Implications and Limitations of the ‘Public Interest’ Ideal 29 mai 2014 Trevor Guy Review and recap of the program organized by the Admin Law Section entitled "The Implications and Limitations of the "Public Interest" ideal."
OBA Institute 2014 – Administrative Law Section Program “Counsel Conduct and Obligations in Relation to Administrative Tribunals” 28 avril 2014 Leslie Woo A brief synopsis of the Admin Law Section Program offered as part of the 2014 OBA Institute.
Caselaw Update 06 février 2014 Avril Dymond Caselaw update representing three levels of courts - Divisional Court, Court of Appeal for Ontario and Supreme Court of Canada, coverning period from March to October, 2013
Pieters: Reviewing adjudicative reasonableness as well as racism 06 décembre 2013 Adam Chisholm An engaging overview of the Court of Appeal decision in Peel Law Association v. Pieters and its impact on issues of human rights, discrimiation on basis of race and colour and the reasonableness standard.
Administrative Law: 2013 Annual Update on Judicial Review 06 décembre 2013 Audrey Wong A report on Dinner Program organized by the Admin Law Section entitled: Administrative Law: 2013 Annual Update on Judicial Review.
Case Law Updates 19 avril 2013 Avril Dymond Supreme Court of Canada Case Law Updates, Court of Appeal for Ontario Case Law Updates, Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) Case Law Updates
Join the Administrative Law Section of the OBA 19 avril 2013 Soussanna Karas As part of the Administrative Law Section’s outreach initiative, we would like to invite the members of local law associations to learn more about the Section and to consider joining and/or becoming a member of the Section Executive.
Report on the OBA Administrative Law Section’s Dinner Program: “Clusters’ Update – Current and Emerging Issues” 19 avril 2013 Farah Malik On Wednesday, March 6, 2013, the OBA’s Administrative Law Section hosted a dinner program entitled “Clusters’ Update – Current and Emerging Issues.”
New OBA Working Group Assignment: A Framework for Tribunal Excellence 19 avril 2013 Ron Ellis On February 20, 2013, the OBA Working Group on a Framework for Tribunal Excellence held its inaugural/organizational meeting. What, you might well ask, is a Framework for Tribunal Excellence?