Conflicts are Fonts of Information

To some extent, embracing self-management means redefining success, or at the very least traditional views of leadership, which can be a struggle – one that requires less ego and more attentiveness to others. Participants in the Future of Work session attested to the effort involved in leading through collaboration and showing the kind of vulnerability that encourages others to bring their whole selves to work. That doesn’t mean self-management produces a kind of utopia where everyone works side by side in perfect harmony. Conflicts and tensions do arise. When they do, they are recorded and tackled head on by the group who work to a satisfactory resolution together. The environment is one of self-empowerment that encourages people to lean in or to leave of their own accord, if the culture is not a good fit.  With this collaborative approach to challenges, tensions rarely result in termination. Conflicts or miscalculations are fountains of information – data points that lead to fine-tuning of the governance structure.

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