Gouvernement provincial Submission on Proposed Amendments to the Employment Standards Act 07 février 2024 The OBA provides comments and recommendations in response to the government’s consultation on proposed amendments to the ESA.
Gouvernement provincial Submission on Pre-Budget Consultation 2024 31 janvier 2024 The OBA provides comments for pre-budget consideration including recommended investments to combat delays, UFC expansion, and amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, 2023.
Gouvernement provincial Submission on FSRAs Revised Pension Plan Amendments Guidance 25 janvier 2024 The OBA provides comments and recommendations on FSRA’s proposed interpretation and approach for Pension Plan Amendments Guidance.
Gouvernement provincial Consultation on Issues Related to Notices of Security Interest (NOSIs) 30 novembre 2023 The OBA provides comments and recommendations responding to the 13 specific questions posited in the NOSI consultation paper. Topics include defining fixtures, the duration of NOSIs, notice requirements, assignments, and more.
Gouvernement provincial Comment on the Proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt – Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 30 novembre 2023 The OBA provides comments on the proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt, which includes feedback on the proposal to remove the regulatory authority for adding/removing lands, improving the consultation process, and concerns with the limitations on remedies provisions in the Bill.
Gouvernement provincial Bill 142, Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 – Recommendations and Comments on the Consumer Protection Act, 2023 22 novembre 2023 The OBA supports the goal of modernizing and strengthening consumer protections for Ontarians and provides targeted comments on various provisions for the Standing Committee on Justice Policy regarding the repeal and replacement of the Consumer Protection Act.
Gouvernement provincial Public Access to Virtual Proceedings: Ensuring Open Courts 26 octobre 2023 The open court principle (and established exceptions) should be applied equally, regardless of the mode of proceedings. The public should not have to provide identifying information to receive a Zoom link. Use tech solutions to mitigate risk rather than restricting public access.
Gouvernement provincial A Permanent Framework for Target Benefits – MEPPs 18 octobre 2023 Comments focus on removing the requirement that administrators provide notice of registration in some cases, removing the prohibition against the use of surplus in the first valuation report, and the need for clarification on restoring previously accrued benefits for former members.
Gouvernement provincial Vexatious Litigant Order: Procedural Framework 17 octobre 2023 OBA supports: amending the Rules and the CJA s 140 to allow vexatious litigant orders to be obtained by motion (in addition to application) and on a judges own initiative; creating additional pathways for expedited access to the courts to pre-empt VL litigation; and creating a list of hallmarks of VLs to provide additional clarity and consistency. Special consideration needs to be given to the VL in Family Law matters.
Gouvernement provincial Proposed Guidance: Pension Plan Administrator Roles and Responsibilities 13 octobre 2023 The OBA recommends a principles-based approach must be flexible enough to account for different Plan characteristics. Similarly, it is the OBA’s view that a Guidance document should clearly distinguish requirements from "good or best practices”.