​Health Information Update – Brampton Courthouse (Nov. 17)

  • 17 novembre 2020

MAG has learned that an OPS employee who works in the courthouse has tested positive for COVID-19. The person was last in the courthouse on Thursday, November 12th, 2020, five days prior to being confirmed positive. The person was not symptomatic while in the courthouse, and still shows no symptoms. This individual is currently self-isolating as a normal public health preventative procedure and is following the direction of medical professionals. View Memo

MAG has learned that an OPS employee who works in the courthouse has tested positive for COVID-19. The person was last in the courthouse on Thursday, November 12th, 2020, five days prior to being confirmed positive. The person was not symptomatic while in the courthouse, and still shows no symptoms. This individual is currently self-isolating as a normal public health preventative procedure and is following the direction of medical professionals. View Memo