Regional Senior Justice Mark L.J. Edwards has issued a new Notice to the Profession about the spring sittings for Family Court in the SCJ Central East Region. There will be two weeks of trial sittings that will begin on May 25, 2021. The first week of the regularly scheduled sittings will be devoted to Trial Management Conferences.
Regional Senior Justice Mark L.J. Edwards has issued a new Notice to the Profession about the spring sittings for Family Court in the SCJ Central East Region. There will be two weeks of trial sittings that will begin on May 25, 2021. The first week of the regularly scheduled sittings will be devoted to Trial Management Conferences. All matters (trials and long motions) that are scheduled to proceed during the spring 2021 sittings will be heard exclusively by Zoom. Matters will be triaged, and priority will be given to child protection matters, pressing parenting issues, and financial issues. For more information about the protocols and procedures for virtual family proceedings during the spring 2021 sitting, please see the Notice.