Articles 2021


Staying Organized: Tips for Personal File Management

  • 12 novembre 2019
  • Marisa Lau, associate at Grinhaus Law

A lawyer’s time is their most important asset. Therefore, having the right tools to help you manage your workload efficiently at the office is crucial.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Work Perks: Incentivizing Lawyers at the Small-Firm Level

  • 17 octobre 2019
  • Chris Chu, principal at Chris Chu Law

In a competitive legal market, many bright minds gravitate to large and multi-national firms, often taking a cut in their social lives for larger salaries and swanky corporate benefits packages. Even for lawyers who desire a more balanced approach to their career and personal life, the sacrifice of a high wage can’t come without gaining well-positioned benefits packages.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

What's Your Brand?

  • 11 octobre 2019
  • Adaline Huang, associate at Chris Chu Law

With every interaction you are establishing your “brand”. Whether you are dealing with a client, service provider, administration staff, colleagues or superiors, how you react in each situation tells those whom you are dealing with what kind of lawyer you are.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Making Money: Billable Hours vs. Flat Fees – How should a firm decide?

  • 08 janvier 2019
  • Andrew Di Lullo

The question of money is central to all firms – new or established. Without cash flow, you can’t make your overhead; you can’t pay your salaries; you can’t invest in marketing initiatives or take advantage of expansion opportunities. And so, when lawyers begin thinking about a new practice - along with choosing a name, a logo, finding a location, researching software tools and setting out a marketing plan - they must also think of the fees they will charge.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Le Dain and Mental Health in the Legal Profession

  • 08 janvier 2019
  • Ayushi Kiran, student member-at-large

The CBA has been actively working towards undoing the injustice done to late Justice Gerald Le Dain. Addressing mental concerns of legal professionals is the need of the hour. In fact, the Law Society of Ontario’s Mental Health Strategy Task Force has included mental health initiatives as a strategic priority for the 2015-19 governing term.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Go Solo, Life is (More) Balanced There

  • 03 janvier 2019
  • Omar Ha-Redeye

Solo practice is increasingly the preferred alternative for the millennial lawyer.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Dealing with Difficult Clients

  • 03 janvier 2019
  • Robert Shawyer

If you are a professional providing some kind of service to the public, you may come across a couple of clients who may ruin your day. If you are a lawyer, it is very possible that through the course of your practice you will eventually have to deal with some clients who are unreasonable, demanding, un-cooperative and overall difficult.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Reasons for Judgment: A Lawyer’s Guide to SEO

  • 31 octobre 2018
  • Jeremy Hessing-Lewis and Marni McLeod,, Skunkworks Creative Group Inc.,

How do you know if you are actually in need of a little SEO TLC? To understand whether you need to embark on an SEO strategy or whether there is something actually “wrong” with your online presence it is helpful to review some basic concepts.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Give Me Some Space: Finding the right office digs

  • 31 octobre 2018
  • Chris Chu

Practicing law is one thing. Managing your practice is another. Yet while these two components never stop moving in tandem, the biggest hurdle most small and solo practitioners face, especially at their inception, is also one of the most important considerations: where do I hang my shingle?

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Call for Section Newsletter Content

  • 30 octobre 2018
  • Chris Chu

Have your voice heard! The Sole, Small Firm and General Practice Section Executive is asking members to contribute to our Section's regular newsletter.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum