Program Recap: Privacy Issues In Education Law And Considerations For Technology Use

  • 25 avril 2024
  • Andrea Lee, articling student 2023-2024, Lerners LLP

On January 25, 2024, the OBA hosted a program exploring the use of technology in the education sector and the potential privacy implications. Co-Chaired by Danielle Douek, partner at Lerners LLP, and Christiane Saad, director of the University of Ottawa's Law Practice Program, the session brought together experts to discuss the evolving landscape of technology in education and the associated legal and practical challenges.

Emely Melendez Rodriguez, associate university legal counsel (privacy) at Western University, shared insights into how the institution evaluates the risks of new technology. This method encompasses a comprehensive evaluation with a dedicated portion on privacy considerations, including factors such as the nature of the data utilized, the transmission requirements, and disclosure requirements associated with the technology. Through this process, the University strives to anticipate and mitigate potential privacy challenges as they adopt new technology.