A Message from the Education Law Section Chair

  • October 14, 2020
  • Jean-Frédéric Hübsch

Greetings, fellow OBA Education Law Section members!

My name is Jean-Frédéric – you can call me J-F – and I’m the chair of the section executive for the 2020-2021 membership year. This is my fourth year on this section’s executive, and I am very glad to continue working alongside a group of dedicated and engaged education law practitioners. Si cette année est votre première en tant que membre – bienvenue! Si vous êtes membre depuis longtemps, merci d’être resté parmi nous!

Since the pandemic hit Ontario back in March, our section has pulled together several programs. We have offered programs about accommodations in postsecondary education, legal considerations for at-home learning, school reopening issues for parents and for teachers, and anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism in schools. In terms of what you can expect for the rest of this membership year, we’ve already got a handful of programs in the works about topics that we hope you’ll find just as engaging. Keep an eye out in your emails and on the OBA website for details, and feel free to get in touch with Alex or Jay, our CPD liaisons, if you have any ideas you’d like to share.

If you’d like to take a more active role in the section, why not write an article for our newsletter? We have a quarterly Section Insider that goes out to all members, and we’re always on the lookout for content, whether it be a case summary, some practice tips, commentary on legislative or policy changes, an interview with a practitioner, or even a best-of or top-ten that you think would be of interest to the education law community. Et sentez-vous à l’aise de rédiger quelque chose en français aussi. Our newsletter editor Kevin will be happy to hear from you.

Another way to get involved is to share any practice-related issues with the section. Public policy advocacy is part of the OBA’s role, and we’re here to communicate your concerns and suggestions to OBA council and the OBA executive. If there’s anything that you think would be of benefit to the education law community – or to the legal community in general – please get in touch with Daniel, our public affairs liaison, so we can get the conversation started.