Autres OBA Submission on the new Legal Aid Services Act 10 mars 2020 The OBA submission raised three specific issues that it would like to see addressed with respect to the proposed Legal Aid Services Act in Bill 161: (1) Ensuring additional funding for court-ordered services currently covered directly by the Attorney General; (2) Clarifying a fair process regarding information disclosure for lawyers who represent LAO clients; and, (3) Clarifying proportional representation on the LAO Board.
Gouvernement provincial Pre-Budget Consultation Letter 11 février 2020 As part of the provincial government’s pre-budget consultations, the OBA asked the government to commit to adequate and predictable funding for the legal aid system and ensure adequate funding of a comprehensive strategy that recognizes the prevalence of mental health issues for society’s most vulnerable who are served by lawyers in all areas of the legal aid system.
Gouvernement provincial, Legal Aid Ontario OBA Submission Regarding the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project 31 octobre 2019 The Ministry of the Attorney General, in partnership with Legal Aid Ontario is currently engaged in the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project (“Project”). The mandate of the Project is to develop and implement reform proposals and legislative amendments that will contribute to moving the legal aid system towards sustainability and modernized service delivery to better meet the needs of low-income Ontarians through governance and service delivery improvements.
Gouvernement provincial Tribunals Ontario Adjudicator Appointments 27 mars 2019 The OBA writes to the Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario seeking a meeting and further information on issues and challenges faced by Tribunals Ontario, and the appointment of adjudicators in particular.
Gouvernement provincial Education in Ontario 17 décembre 2018 The OBA responds to the government’s consultation on Education in Ontario, focusing on proposed changes to the Physical and Health Education Curriculum, and a proposed Parents' Bill of Rights.
Gouvernement provincial Bill 175, the Safer Ontario Act, 2018 01 mars 2018 The OBA is pleased to provide comments to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy in respect of Bill 175, the Safer Ontario Act, 2018.
Gouvernement provincial OBA Pre-Budget Consultation Letter 07 février 2018 The OBA provides a submission to the Minister of Finance regarding pre-budget consultations with individuals and organizations throughout the province.
Barreau du Haut-Canada President's Letter re Statement of Principles 24 novembre 2017 The OBA wrote to the Law Society to reiterate the OBA’s unequivocal support for the CFRL Report and to identify failures to date in the implementation of the requirement for a Statement of Principles
Gouvernement provincial Bill 166, Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 17 novembre 2017 The OBA makes this submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy in respect of Bill 166 which, if passed, would make significant changes to Ontario's legislative schemes with respect to new homes and ticket sales, in particular.
Gouvernement provincial Standard Lease Template Consultation 27 octobre 2017 This submission responds to a consultation by the Ministry of Housing following amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 permitting the Minister to make regulations prescribing a standard lease template.