Articles 2023


Ontario e-Discovery Institute a Success

  • 07 février 2013
  • Molly Reynolds and David Outerbridge

The second annual Ontario e-Discovery Institute was held on October 11, 2012. Kelly Friedman and David Outerbridge co-chaired the conference.

Litige civil

Updates on Technology in the Courtroom

  • 07 février 2013
  • Mervyn Abramowitz

Our Superior Court has finally entered the electronic age!  No, we don’t yet have a U.S. PACER style computerized filing system where all court documents are in electronic form and accessible to all. 

Litige civil

A Comment on Éditions Écosociété Inc. v. Banro Corp.

  • 25 octobre 2012
  • Josh Silver

The tort of defamation has wide-ranging implications for the defamed, and such effects may reach across borders and jurisdictions. In the advancing modern age, what was once purely local conduct may now have far-reaching and global effects or consequences. 

Litige civil

Status Hearings Under Rule 48.14

  • 25 octobre 2012
  • Philip Cho

Although entirely replaced in the 2010 amendments, unlike the transition provision under Rule 48.15, status hearings under Rule 48.14 are not new. The rule behind status hearings has actually existed since 1984.

Litige civil

Bryan Finlay Honoured at Annual Gala

  • 25 octobre 2012
  • Linda Chavez

On September 27th, 2012, nearly 400 civil litigators, judges and friends gathered at Toronto’s spectacular new Ritz-Carlton Hotel to celebrate Mr. Finlay’s professional contributions and all-star accomplishments.

Litige civil

Be Careful What You Ask For!

  • 25 octobre 2012
  • Derek Freeman and Hooman Zadegan

The August, 2012, USA verdict in Apple v. Samsung was a dramatic win in IP and IT law for Apple against its largest global competitor, the Korean IT giant, Samsung.

Litige civil

Chair's Message

  • 25 octobre 2012
  • Christopher J. Jaglowitz

The fall season marks the start of another busy year for our section executive. Here is a short report on our activities and plans, as well as your invitation to get involved.

Litige civil