Nouvelles législatives et présentations


CSA Review of Minimum Amount and Accredited Investor Exemptions

  • 29 février 2012

This submission is made by the Business Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association (the “OBA”) in response to the request for comments published on November 11, 2011 (the “Request for Comments”) with respect to the Consultation Notice.

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Gouvernement provincial

Perfecting Security Interests in Cash Collateral

  • 06 février 2012

The OBA appreciates the opportunity to provide advice to the Government on reforming the law of cash collateral, an important initiative that we believe will both reduce costs for government and further Ontario’s Open for Business and Open Ontario initiatives.

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OBCA Amendments

  • 01 novembre 2011

In anticipation that there may be future opportunities to make changes to the OBCA, the OBCR and the OBCA Forms Regulation, we set out below a comprehensive list.

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Gouvernement provincial

Bill 179, Building Families and Supporting Youth to Be Successful Act, 2011

  • 16 mai 2011

This guide will outline the duties and obligations of directors and officers under the new Not-for-Profit Corporation’s Act, 2010 (ONCA). Below, for your input, are the proposed topics to be included in the guide for directors and officers.

Droit des affaires, Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif

Gouvernement provincial

Bill 160 Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011

  • 14 avril 2011

The Ontario Bar Association (the “OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on Bill 160, the Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (“Bill 160” or “the Bill”).

Droit des affaires, Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Accidents de travail

Gouvernement provincial

Addressing Issues in the PPSA

  • 28 avril 2006

The OBA made recommendations to amend the PPSA to update the PPSA and make it more consistent with other Canadian Statutes.

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Gouvernement provincial

A proposal to update the Personal Property Security Act

  • 21 octobre 1998

The OBA recommended amendments to the PPSA as well as an ongoing process to ensure the PPSA remained current. Previous submissions made in June 1993 concerning the PPSA and the RSLA and in November 1997 concerning the Harmonization of Section 427 of the Bank Act and the PPSA are attached to this submission as Appendices A and C.

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