Brown Bag Lunch - March 2018

  • 29 mars 2018
  • Noah Weisberg and Lindsay Anderson

The third BBL of the year was held on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. Though our meeting fell on what is traditionally considered to be ‘The First Day of Spring’, outside temperatures remained staunchly committed to dragging out the winter season. However, I am happy to report that the BBL was blooming with fresh ideas.

The first topic up for discussion dealt with the liquidation of assets from banks and financial institutions.  BBLers discussed their views on the varying liquidation protocols and what different institutions required before disclosure would be provided.  Helpful hints were provided in order to address the more demanding protocols.

The conversation then turned to wait times for Applications for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee.  This portion of the discussion involved some sharing of war stories, but also included productive tips including which probate offices seemed to have the fastest turn around times.

The next topic pertained to the production of medical records.  One BBLer sought advice as to how medical records should be obtained when records had been transferred to different doctors.  The group did some collective problem-solving on this matter.  A related question arose as to whether a person can make a third party request for OHIP records, which a BBLer agreed to look into before the next meeting.  

Next up, the group engaged in a fascinating discussion about the nature of digital assets, and in particular, what ISPs can be compelled to provide.  Discussion arose as to the role of these assets in the will planning process, as well as in the administration of an estate by an estate trustee.    

This brought us to our last topic, BITCOIN!  A BBL’er advised of an administration involving bitcoin and contemplated steps that were going to be taken. 

The next BBL will take place on April 17, 2018. We look forward to seeing everyone then!


Noah Weisberg, Hull & Hull LLP
Lindsay Anderson, Law Student, Hull & Hull LLP