
photo of OBA President Kelly McDermott

President's Message: The peer support that sustains us

  • May 31, 2023
  • Kelly McDermott

When I was speaking about my presidential mandate at the last OBA Council Meeting and soliciting feedback from members on where support was most needed, it was like the floodgates had opened – it was so validating to hear that situations or anxieties you imagined uniquely yours were, in fact, quite common.

Man in shirt and tie getting ready for work and looking nervous, head in hand

Anxious About Returning to In-Person Activities? You Are Not Alone.

  • May 31, 2023
  • Emily Sinkins

Many of us once eagerly anticipating more real-world social and workplace interaction are now struggling to find our footing or feeling flummoxed about reclaiming old stomping grounds. Psychologist Dr. Noah Lazar lays out steps for alleviating the stress and conflicting, confusing emotions around returning to an in-person world.

female lawyer at desk explaining services to male client

Concrete Measures for the Active Offer of Services in French in Ontario

  • May 29, 2023
  • Alexanne Stewart, Christiane Saad, and Kenza Salah

In light of the recently enacted Active Offer of Services in French – Prescribed Measures, Ontario Regulation 544/22, the authors explore the characteristics of active offer in legislative texts, including: the offer to speak either official language precedes the request by the citizen at the first interaction; the service provided is equivalent in quality in both official languages; and the availability of services in both official languages across all forms of oral and written communication.

photo of Commissioner Kelly Burke

Fireside Chat with the French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario

  • February 27, 2023
  • Kenza Salah and Christiane Saad

In an informal meeting with the OBA’s Official Languages Committee, French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario Kelly Burke shared her thoughts on access to justice in French in the province, highlighting the importance of community engagement, education and legislative initiatives, notably the active offer of services in French.

photo of Kristina Milbourn

How Kristina Milbourn is Breaking the Mould and Making a Difference

  • February 27, 2023
  • Amrita V. Singh

Head of litigation at one of Canada’s largest telecommunications companies, Kristina Milbourn talks about being captivated by the complexities of law and practicing on Bay Street, the variety and opportunities to innovate she enjoys in her current in-house role, and her passion for science, sponsorship and social justice.

labrador retriever be petted by one person and held on a leash by another

A Ruff Decision: Who Gets the Family Pet in a Separation?

  • February 26, 2023
  • Olivia Koneval-Brown

Many people consider their pet to be a member of the family, but what happens to the pet when there is a breakdown in the human relationship? Olivia Koneval-Brown sets out the factors that a court will look at when determining pet ownership after a separation.