The Community

Written by lawyers for lawyers, by its very nature JUST. is an extension of the OBA community. Learn how your peers are dealing with common challenges; read about the struggles and achievements of your favourite legal icons and hear what other lawyers have to say about the state of affairs within the legal profession.  This section is all about learning, sharing and exchanging, lawyer to lawyer.

Samantha Peters

Pro Bono Profile: Samantha Peters

  • October 19, 2016

The OBA recognizes and supports those members who lend their skills and expertise to providing pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations in need. Samantha Peters of Toronto highlights her efforts.

Hourglass on its side

Waiting for Justice: Reflections on R v. Jordan

  • October 06, 2016
  • Jody Berkes and Brock B. Jones

The SCC calls on all participants of Canada's criminal justice system to reject 'culture of complacency and delay' and work toward ensuring timely justice.


Pro Bono Profile: Joseph Blinick

  • July 13, 2016

The OBA recognizes and supports those members who lend their skills and expertise to providing pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations in need. Learn more about OBA members who give back to the community and help further the cause of justice in Ontario.

Katie Black

Pro Bono Profile: Katie Black

  • July 12, 2016

The OBA recognizes and supports those members who lend their skills and expertise to providing pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations in need. learn more about OBA members who give back to the community and help further the cause of justice in Ontario.

White hand with thumb down on blue Background

'Keeping it Real' on Social Media

  • June 06, 2016
  • Brad J. Greenshields

While we are lawyers by day, we are also individuals with colourful personalities, quirks and interests that define who we are beyond the practice of law., yet in a world pre-occupied by image and instant information, social media is a perilous tool for the legal profession.