Gros plan

Impressionnez vos collègues en démontrant votre connaissance d’idées des plus innovatrices, de points de vue variés et d’opinions indépendantes provenant de notre vaste réseau de juristes à travers l’Ontario. 

Rainbow colored lawyer's robe

Our Pledge to One Another

  • 01 août 2014
  • Janet Epp Buckingham and Douglas Judson

Freedom of religion or discrimination? Opposing sides duke it out in the pages of JUST.

Two hands holding multiple shapes

Creative Counsel

  • 01 avril 2014
  • Catherine Brennan

It's amazing what a little creativity can do.

Marc Bolan

Glam Rock Legacy

  • 01 janvier 2014
  • William Genereux

The tragic legal legacy of T.Rex’s Marc Bolan.

Justice for Trayvon... In Canada?

  • 04 octobre 2013
  • Edward Prutschi

America has erupted in protest over the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who claimed self defense under Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law for killing young, black and unarmed Trayvon Martin in 2012. Many believe this American justice wasn’t justice at all. Would Canada have done any better?

Man wearing Google glasses under a sign that reads GLASS

Google Glass

  • 01 août 2013
  • Fazila Nurani and Sujoy Chatterjee

A Challenge to Privacy as We Know It

Man and woman walking down hallway in front of Gowlings

Open Doors: A Peek into Ontario Law Firms

  • 01 avril 2013

Five firms, varying in size, location and specialty, open their doors to share with us their unique working culture, and how that culture is intertwined with the strength of their local community.