At the OBA

As an essential ally and advocate for members of the legal profession, the OBA promotes fair justice systems, facilitates effective law reform, upholds equality in the legal profession and is devoted to eliminating discrimination.

Man in shirt and tie getting ready for work and looking nervous, head in hand

Anxious About Returning to In-Person Activities? You Are Not Alone.

  • May 31, 2023
  • Emily Sinkins

Many of us once eagerly anticipating more real-world social and workplace interaction are now struggling to find our footing or feeling flummoxed about reclaiming old stomping grounds. Psychologist Dr. Noah Lazar lays out steps for alleviating the stress and conflicting, confusing emotions around returning to an in-person world.

photo of incoming OBA president Kelly McDermott

Meet Kelly McDermott, the OBA’s Incoming President

  • February 24, 2023

In a candid Q&A, Incoming President Kelly McDermott shares her thoughts on the pride she takes in public service, the surprise early-start to her presidency, why success should not mean sacrifice, and the motivation behind a presidential mandate that will focus on supporting members through difficult times.

Valley of the Birdtail book cover image

Writing the Road to Reconciliation

  • February 21, 2023
  • Direct quotes from Andrew Stobo Sniderman and Douglas Sanderson

At a recent OBA Community Book Club event, lawyers Andrew Stobo Sniderman and Douglas Sanderson, authors of Valley of the Birdtail, talked to members about the power of narrative history to change hearts, minds and political choices; the real sacrifice that reconciliation requires; and the action they hope to inspire with their eye-opening work.

photo of author Stuart Rudner

President’s Message: Stepping Up and Serving the Greater Good

  • February 21, 2023
  • Karen Perron

In September 2021, I said that after my presidential year, “If I manage to give a little something back to an association that has given so much to me, I’ll happy.” When that time came, as fate would have it, I was asked to give a little something extra: six more months. With firsthand experience of the many ways OBA members step up to serve the greater good, I readily followed their example of sacrifice and community service.

Photo of OBA President Karen Perron

President's Message: Lawyers are people, too

  • November 30, 2022
  • Karen Perron

There is plenty out there in the world to discourage us and drag us down – the OBA is where we come to be buoyed and built up by those who empathize and understand. To all dedicated members of this demanding and rewarding calling, I offer this plea: Let’s not be our own worst critics.

Nandi Deterville leading a Make A Will Month public info session

Why I Take Part in Make A Will Month

  • November 29, 2022
  • Nandi A O Deterville

Learning as you teach, engaging with your community, improving access to legal info, and raising the profile of your practice are just a few of the reasons that make participation in OBA Speakers Bureau public seminars during November – and beyond – so worthwhile.

Photo of President Karen Perron in front of fall-trees

President’s Message: Expect the unexpected

  • September 06, 2022
  • Karen Perron

As I launch into the final six months of my extended presidential term – a term that presented twists and turns even before it began when our incoming president was appointed to the bench – I find myself embracing the opportunity to advance my OBA Link mandate even further and to “lean in” to the opportunity for reinvention.

four professionals, of diverse races and ages, discuss business over meeting table

Deploying the Power of Diverse Perspectives

  • September 06, 2022
  • Mohsen Seddigh

With two new positions on each of our 40 section executives, the OBA is making new strides in advancing diversity and inclusion across the association.